Mission Statement

At Highmount Preschool we provide high quality education and care and implement a child-centred program based on the principles outlined in the Victorian Early Years Framework (VEYLDF) and the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) – Belonging, Being and Becoming.

Our Vision, Our Purpose

We believe in and are committed to positive, nurturing, and respectful relationships to support learning and development, promote social and emotional wellbeing, and to provide rich and inclusive learning experiences for all children.



We believe in learning that is authentic, ongoing, engaging, meaningful and reflective.

We believe in embracing diversity and purposeful actions to ensure that all people reach their potential and are celebrated.  This contributes to the richness of our society and presents opportunities for choices and new understandings.

We believe in authentic relationships that are founded on kindness, understanding and empathy.

We have an appreciation for and are curious about the world, its cultures and the diversity of its peoples. We are prepared to take action to better our world, both locally and beyond.


In our commitment to children, we believe:

  • Our priority is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of children according to the Child Safe Standards and National Quality Standards.
  • Every child has the right to quality education and care, regardless of background, ethnicity, culture, beliefs, gender, age, socioeconomic status, ability, family structure or lifestyle in accordance with the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.
  • Nurturing supports children to feel respected, self-confident, trusted, responsible, independent, and acknowledged for their individuality.
  • Children are provided the opportunity and are supported to adopt environmentally friendly practices, and to see themselves as active citizens who know how to successfully impact changes needed to address climate change.
  • Children’s individual needs, ideas, interests, and experiences are recognised, embraced and supported.
  • Children are treated equally and with respect.
  • Promoting inclusive practices ensures the successful participation of all children.

In our commitment to families, we believe:

  • Families bring with them the knowledge of the whole child and are the primary source of learning for children.
  • Trust, respect, and collaboration forms the basis for strong partnerships between families and teachers to ensure children’s needs are met.
  • Families are encouraged to engage in meaningful participation in the program, to initiate and lead their own learning.
  • Engagement and partnerships between families through social events, excursions, working bees and fundraising activities contribute to a sense of community.
  • Open and constructive communication with families builds positive relationships, and feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

In our commitment to community, we believe:

  • Embracing, understanding, and embedding the cultures and beliefs of the First Nations Peoples.
  • Promoting and adopting sustainable practices will care for our environment now and in the future.
  • Relationships with the wider community provide a sense of belonging.
  • Employing qualified and professional educators who adhere to the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics supports the best interests of children and families.
  • A collaborative approach to continuous improvement and professional development creates a happy and supportive environment.